Tuesday 15 April 2008

Adventures in America

Somebody said to me recently that receiving my blog is a little like receiving an annual newsletter! I have to agree with them and apologise that once again it has been an age since I last blogged – I will try to get better at this!

I thought you might be interested to know about a few things I have been involved in recently.

A good chunk of my time over the past couple of months has been spent overseas. Back in February I was in Virginia at the 21C Evangelism conference.

It is a thrill to be working with the Baptist General Association of Virginia on ‘Causing Heaven to Celebrate’. A key aspect of this initiative is recruiting people who will engage in effective evangelism and 21C was a key part of this recruitment. The highlight of the conference for me was the evening when I had the privileged to speak to the conference regarding God’s passion for the lost. At the close of the evening the response was unquestionably God inspired. People were in the presence of God and kneeling, lying down, praying, rejoicing and weeping as they responded to God and connected more deeply with his heart for the lost.

Following a week back in England while I was able to spend some time with my wife Lynn and see something of Gregg, Scott and Amy, who are now pretty busy living their own lives, I then went back to the United States and on to South Africa where I was speaking at a number of Evangelism conferences.

Far too much happen for me to mention here but again some highlights:
at each conference I was speaking about how the church can reach out to people who have never been to church. The greatest memory for me from each of the conferences was the countless conversations I had with pastors and leaders following my sessions. It just seems like many of the people I spoke with actually got it and began to really understand the need for the church in the United States to do things differently in order to reach people outside of the church. I was also able to follow up on some exciting possibilities regarding long term partnerships.

An interesting development during the trip was a visit to ‘LifeWay’ (The publishing house for the Southern Baptist Convention). Of all the times for my suitcase not to arrive at the airport and for me to have to make a visit without being able to shave or even bring the resources that I had with me this was not the best one!

Further in spite of all this I had a great time at LifeWay and was able to speak at some length regarding ‘More to Life’, a combination of DVD training and an enquirer website that can help churches to reach out to the unchurched.

Following our meetings I submitted a proposal to LifeWay regarding their publishing ‘More to Life’ in the US. I should hear back from them by the end of April. This would be an exciting development and could be significant in helping many churches to reach out to the unchurched.

Following my time in the United States I then went straight on to South Africa to speak at the Baptist Union of South Africa National Evangelism Conference. Again my theme was helping Christians to reach the unchurched. As in the United States I spent much of my time speaking with pastors and leaders following my sessions.

My activities for the period since then will (hopefully) be in my next blog which will be posted soon!

1 comment:

Simon said...

Good to read the news. The photo says it all.
As ever, Simon